Our Projects

We initiate, shape and execute projects in close collaboration with our member companies, innovators, researchers, and other stakeholders. The common denominator in all our projects is that they make business, the climate and life more sustainable.

We work partly with technology development and intelligent energy solutions, and partly with how you and I as energy users can become more aware and act more sustainably. Our projects provide solutions to the challenges we face on the road to a sustainable future. Up until today, we have finished around 100 projects, and have another 30 running.

We initiate, shape and execute the projects in close collaboration with member companies, innovators, researchers, and other stakeholders. Through our members, but also through our broad network of researchers, business representatives, entrepreneurs, and financiers, we capture exciting project ideas. We then do thorough processing and prioritization of the ideas where they are set against different requirements such as efficiency potential, upscaling potential and financing opportunities.

If implemented in Sweden, our projects can save 43 000 000 MWh and 11 000 000 tonnes of CO2e.

Making the impossible possible

Based on the requirements analysis, we sort out the ideas that have the highest potential and start creating projects. The ideas have a clear purpose, goal, consortium, communication plan, and budget. In this way, projects and future innovations take shape. We also link relevant research to the ideas and explore the possibility of public funding. The parties included in the consortium sign an agreement and a steering group is formed. The steering group then selects a project manager who in turn is responsible for the operational work and reports to the steering group. In this way, we take an idea from the drawing board into reality. So far, we have seen this as the absolute best way to realize solutions that help achieve climate goals and drive towards a sustainable future.

If you are interested in a specific project, please contact the project manager for more information. If you are interested in doing a project with us, please contact our Head of Business Development, Roland Elander, roland.elander(a)sust.se.